After an intense Christmas and freezing cold New Year, things are seriously hotting up in Rhal-land. 2012 turned out to be a tricky year, so towards the end of it I was feeling fed up. Relocating to the wilderness 400 miles away from friends and family with no reliable income, no transport and no idea was bound to be challenging. But then my one saving grace (running) started playing up (dodgy knee) and I really began to lose hope.
I rely on running a great deal to sort my shit out. It makes me feel good about myself, look better naked, and I find the process meditative and incredibly healing. Not being able to run is a bit like having a limb removed or losing your iPhone. IT JUST MAKES EVERYTHING HARDER. Pray for my poorly leg, dear friends.
Add an injured Ultraboy into the mix (he recently had arm surgery following a kayaking accident, and can’t even tie his own shoes right now) and you get a serious case of cabin fever. But aside from a limp limb and an armless ultra runner, I’m pleased to say that, thanks to Divine Providence, Chaka Khan and the back up of some truly excellent girlfriends, things are on the up. Okay, Chaka Khan didn’t actually do anything. But her mere presence in the universe makes everything better.
I was recently offered a job at The Hawick News, my local Scottish Borders newspaper, and it has made the world of difference to Operation City Chick in the Sticks. Writing for a weekly paper is immensely challenging, fun and interesting and a great way to get to know the area and the lovely people in it. Plus it gets me out the house and away from those chickens. Learning to communicate with human beings again has been fun… Bekerrrr.
I’m also delighted to have been asked to speak at Write This Run, a cool new running blogger event in May. You can still get tickets Here so come on down to London and listen to me crack jokes about chickens, err, I mean talk expertly about hill running. And by May my bloody leg is bound to have healed, so I’ll be running about the fields with the baby lambs and will have loads to say.
On that note, I should probably write a blog about running too. But I caved in and bought a scooter instead. Balls to running up hills, from now on I intend to breeze up them at a comfortable 30 mph. In the absence of anything useful to say about my favourite sport, go out and buy the latest issue of Women’s Running magazine instead. I heard a rumour that someone might have managed to persuade the editor Chris to publish an article on the two greatest pastimes ever invented, sex and running. Oh yeeeeah.
First, I love seeing a post from you pop into my reader – write more write more!
Next, I am with you on the knee front and am sending deep good knee juju your way!
Finally, I’ll see you at write this run – I’ll be speaking too about my road to USA Paratriathlon Nationals!
Firstly, why have I never read your blog before? I am a bad blogger… Must try harder to write and read more. Your story is epic. What an inspiration! Sending whole body juju right back to you, and can’t wait to meet you in May x x
Rhalou, you sexy strumpet!
You blogged! Yay!
I’m sorry to hear that you’re out of the running game – that seriously effin’ sucks. Sending magical rainbow unicorn thoughts your way, my friend.
Can’t wait to hear you speak at Write This Run!
Love you!
Lovely Liz! I have been shirking my blogging responsibilities. But you guys are a great incentive. I will write loads more starting today… Promise…
Can’t wait to hang out in May, lotsa love x x x x
We’re super excited to have you on board, Rhalou!
Liz & Laura
Ha ha, I searched for you on Hawich News and it asked if I meant Raloo Alertand!
Aah yes my Scottish alter ego 😉